📜 CoderDojo Recommended Practice (RP)


For all Ninjas there is as always only one rule: Above all, be Cool!
(bullying, lying, wasting peoples time and so on is uncool!)

To enable this it is up to CoderDojo Champions to take certain necessary steps and allow the Ninjas this unique creative freedom.

This document details a set of guiding principles that the CoderDojo Foundation recommends all individual Dojos meet. The principles set out in this document may be amended at any stage through a consultation process with the Community or Advisory Committee.

Open Consultation Period

As you may know, the CoderDojo Foundation is inviting the entire global CoderDojo Community for an Open Consultation Period (11th of June 2014 to the 13th of July 2014 at 12 midnight) during which they can give their feedback on Recommended Practice. We are happy to announce that this period has officially started and is open until the 13th of July 2014. During this time any Dojo can submit feedback, or arrange a call with the CoderDojo Foundation team to discuss their thoughts. The Foundation is committed to the CoderDojo community and value their input greatly on this matter which is why we are having this Open Consultation Period.

⚠️ 本 RP は2014年時点のアーカイブ版となり、最新版ではない点にご注意ください。» 議事録を読む

The recommended practice for all Dojos is a set of 5 guiding principles that Dojos can choose to meet. Due to the global nature of CoderDojo these principles have been designed to be user friendly and applicable to Dojos regardless of their geographical location.

  1. Creating a safe space
  2. Safeguarding Children
  3. Encompassing the ethos
  4. Communication & Review
  5. Privacy and Data Protection

It is important to note that for ninjas there is only The one rule of CoderDojo; Be Cool. However us adults need to take further steps to ensure that we create safe spaces for ninjas to enjoy themselves. The Recommended Practice has been developed to act as a guide for Dojos in regards to standards to meet.

How does this affect the CoderDojo Charter?

The CoderDojo Charter was brought in in December 2013. Since then all Dojos who want to listed on the website must agree to the basic ethos encompassed in the Charter, this does not change. Recommended Practice is a set further, and is for Dojos who want to meet industry best practice standards.

  1. Quality Control: To introduce a level of quality control across Dojos regardless of geographical region.
  2. Safeguarding Children: All Dojos should be safe spaces for children, the RP ensures that Dojos meet child protection standards and guidelines.
  3. Brand Protection: To protect the CoderDojo brand by ensuring that individual Dojos do not damage it for the wider community through negligence or naivety.
  4. Representation: To enable the Foundation to legitimately represent a group of Dojos on an international level enabling partnerships with international companies to be negotiated.
  5. Process & Guidance: To give Dojos looking to start up a structured process to follow. Dojos choosing to align will receive more active guidance and support from the Foundation.
  6. Sense of Community & involvement: To create a greater sense of community between the Foundation & Dojos through enabling those meeting RP to become a member of the Foundation and have a say in the running of the organisation.

The Principles

Principle 1: Safeguarding Children: _We have taken necessary steps to ensure all attendees are safeguarded.

Principle 2: Creating a Safe Space: We have created a safe space for everyone involved in our Dojo.

Principle 3: Embodying the ethos: All Dojos are different but abide by a common set of CoderDojo values which we embody.

Principle 4: Communication & Review: We understand the importance of communication with the Foundation.

Principle 5: Privacy and Data Protection: We commit to take seriously the privacy of our members and to safeguard their data.

Benefits for Dojos in meeting RP

A Dojo who chooses to meet the RP is making a public declaration that they are committed to best practices and child protection. The Foundation is currently in the process of altering its structure to allow Dojos meeting RP the ability to join as a member, automatically giving them certain rights in the running of the Foundation. There is no cost to become a member of the foundation.

There are a number of additional benefits for Dojos such as:

Compliance with RP

The process in which the Foundation will monitor compliance with RP has yet to be fully designed. However based on initial research the Foundation will not actively enforce meeting the principles, instead a Dojo will be trusted that they are meeting RP if claiming to do so. Dojos may be asked to:

Annually the Foundation will complete a survey of global Dojos. The purpose of this will be to ensure Dojos originally met RP are continuing to do so and to clean out inactive Dojos to ensure that Foundation maintains an active Dojo count.

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