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📻 [EN] Programming is Beyond a Job For Me - DojoCast

収録日: 2018年12月5日(水)

CoderDojo 共同創設者の @Whelton と、CoderDojo 調布の @jishiha さん、Progate の @eriharu15、Youth Mentor の @YukiMihashi さんと一緒に、James の日本旅行の話や、ドバイでのスタートアップの話、スタートアップと CoderDojo のスタイルの違いなどについて話しました。(CoderDojo Mentor の @youtoy さんも途中から参加)

Guests: James Whelton, Junya Ishihara, Reina Masumoto, and Yuki Mihashi. (And Yosuke Toyota from the middle of recording.) This episode includes where James go around during Japan trip, his experiences in startup in Dubai, and differences in style between Startup and CoderDojo.

For English speakers, give it a listen from 1.35. ;) This podcast is conducted in English, but includes Japanese a little bit. But no worries! All Japanese talks are translated into English just after them by me (@yasulab).

Photo Credit: @youtoy. Left: @Whelton. Right: @yasulab

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